I’ve done a test shot indoor and outdoor using this lens at selected focal length at their widest aperture. The picture was sorted starting from 18mm, 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, 100mm, 200mm and 270mm.
Indoor (shot done using a flash, bounced)
Generally, I think the sharpness of this lens is quite acceptable for each focal length.
Outdoor (shot not using flash, handheld)
The sharpness is well maintained although there might be some motion blur cause by camera shake since I’m not using tripod
Bokeh (shot not using flash, handheld)
Bokeh generated was quite ok. Please beware the effect of bokeh might vary since the factor of you foreground and background need to be considered. For my case, my background was quite far from the subject, so in theory, the bokeh should be easily obtained.
My verdict: This lens was quite versatile in term of range and the quality of the picture was not as bad for superzoom lens. Good for travel and for those who want to upgrade their kit lens. The Piezo Drive was surprisingly smooth and silent although the lens do hunting a bit in low light condition. With this Piezo Drive, i’m thinking of testing a Tamron 70-300mm f4-5.6 lens
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